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Alpine F1 Technical Partner

Achieving optimized parts for fluid and energy management is a challenge. You need the right design, the right materials, and the right production method to yield strong, corrosion-resistant parts that can withstand exposure to various automotive fluids, high temperatures, and harsh conditions, all while fitting within the constrained space of your vehicle.

Discover where and how you can push the performance of fluid and energy management components in this informative, expert-led webinar hosted by Pat Warner from Alpine F1 Team and Kevin Baughey and Niels Holmstock from 3D Systems. Learn how to tackle these challenges head-on. With the right software solutions, process knowledge, 3D printing equipment, and performance materials, you can:

  • Optimize constrained packaging space with custom designed additive parts
  • Build parts with the strength and durability to withstand harsh conditions
  • Iterate quickly to rapidly change design without waiting for tooling and molds

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